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Strok Phobos India Pvt. Ltd - Manobhu pvt. Ltd.
Our Work

Amazing work

We love challenges, we see our clients amazed when they look at the solutions.


One of the emerging company wanted to introduce polymeric insulator in there porfolio. 

The challenge was how to accomodate all the equipments in an triangular shaped building, which was part of space allocated for this project.

" we were blown away to see how they put the things in place and see it work like a breeze."


We worked very closed with the plant team to understand the detailed process flow. Usage of highly effective tools like Value stream Mapping (VSM), process maping and expertised team gave us an elite advantage. We had to design a new system (Value stream Design)which has the flavors of old system and accommodating the new. Each design was validated and with prototypes across all the segments.

"I like the way these people interact being highly professional yet agile and within 3 months since plant was setup, it went to full scale of production. The new system works superb."


With all the prototypes developed and successfully tested, we were able to deliver within 3 months since plant was setup, it went to full scale of production. The new system works superb, and to full scale. Some minor tweaks which will again enhance the productivity of the plant.


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